STI provides comprehensive through-life support packages to its customers.
We have over 15 years experience providing a full through-life support service, which covers full product reconditioning, product upgrades or repair, for our customers. We also provide training and in-country investigation and repair as required.
With a dedicated Customer Account Manager and purpose designed Return Material Authorisation (RMA) system our team is dedicated to ensuring a fast and proficient turnaround.
Our service level agreements can be tailored to your specific requirements with the additional option to extended product warranty. Our aim is to maximise the life of our customer’s products and systems.

Key Capabilities
- Dedicated Customer Account Manager
- On-site support team
- Reporting in accordance with customer support agreement
- Support agreements with third-party vendors
- Buffer stock and material management
- Risk and Obsolescence Management
- Control of Cryptographic material by certified custodians
- Professionally qualified engineers and technicians
- Extensive range of test and diagnostic equipment